From Venus with Love

„In the Venusian Society we understand spirituality
as balancing ourselves on all levels.“

~ Omnec Onec ~

From Venus with Love Conference

July 4-7, 2024
Hohenfels Castle, Southern Germany

Click here for impressions and review

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Plan your journey! Germany is worth a visit  ♥

The ultimative UFO Disclosure Conference

June 21 – 23, 2024
Memmingen, Southern Germany

Get the recordings!

What is Venusian Spirituality?

As the ancestors of many people on Earth, Venusians support evolution on Earth and the expansion of humanity’s consciousness into a higher vibrational frequency. They have been bringing spiritual teachings for thousands of years and are among us worldwide.

In connection with the spiritual law of non-interference, they work largely in secret and directly from heart to heart and person to person.

The Venus Ambassadors

Dr. Raymond Keller
Venus Historian, Author

Anja Schäfer
Venus Facilitator, Author, Publisher

Omnec Onec
Venusian, Author

We are teachers, we are bringing gnosis that has been passed down through the wisdom of the ages and connected to our sister planet Venus. We want people to expand their gnosis and understanding so they can help develop the powers that are latent within them and realize their own full potential and be happy.

~ Dr. Raymond Keller “Cosmic Ray”, Venus Historian ~

You find many videos on our Venus Spirit YouTube channel (German/English)




Mind to Heart Drop💧❤️ Stop Thinking! I command my spirit to take the thoughts out of my head and put them in my heart.5-4-3-2-1.And so it is.~...

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As Earth’s sister planet, Venus supports man’s inner ascension through its harmonious radiation, which it continuously sends to Earth and into the hearts of men.
~ Dr. Raymond Keller “Cosmic Ray”, Venus Historian ~

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