Let's merge Heaven and Earth!
From Venus with Love ConferenceInternational Planetary Ascension Conference
July 4-7 2024 | Hohenfels Castle, Germany
The New Spiritual Paradigm.
Consciousness and Love in the multidimensional universe.
Ascension and balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.
The year 2024 is under the morning and evening stars of revelations and planetary ascension.
The Ultimate UFO Disclosure Conference (June 21-23 in Memmingen) and this From Venus with Love Conference represent the energy of the collective masculine and the collective feminine in restored balance.
On the occasion of these meetings, Venus Ambassador Omnec Onec came to Germany for the first time in eight years and Venus historian Dr. Raymond Keller returned after two years. Both were very much looking forward to being with us again!
All who were part of the conference shared love and information, enjoyed being together, connected souls and hearts and helped ourselves and the earth to ascend into a higher consciousness.
You couldn’t participate personally?
We have recorded the lectures of the conference, most of them are in German, but you can buy the 4 English lectures of Omnec Onec and Dr. Raymond Keller here.
For more impressions from the conference check out the gallery
Enthusiastic Feedback from Visitors
Dear ones, at first I sat ALL ONES around the campfire on Friday evening, I thought to myself, wait and see if the sacred circle around the fire closes. More and more people came into the circle without any prompting from me, then there was drumming, singing and then everyone who felt addressed was allowed to make their wishes aloud into the sacred circle and hand them over to the power of the fire. Yours Reiner & Grey Wolf
Dear Anja,
I would like to thank you for this magnificent Venus conference. It was simply very, very beautiful and interesting and everything was perfectly timed. All the presentations were sooo interesting and touching and moving. I finally got to meet the speakers in person, including Uwe Breuer and Reiner Elmar Feistle and Saskia. I also re-read chapter 8 of his book: The Ascending Venus… For me personally, I can understand it all much better now. And the encounter with Omnec was particularly touching…
Best wishes, Silke
Ascension of the earth and human beings
Divine Love
I AM Presence
Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene Consciousness
True teachings, as Christ meant them, come to life
Saint Germain and other Ascended Masters
Twin flames and the new paradigm of highest love
Relationships, family and partnerships of the new age
5D consciousness and higher compared to the discontinued 3D model
The highest version of yourself
Creating your timeline
Unlocking your highest potential
Fusion of heaven with earth
Presence of Venusians and Ascended Masters
“Venusians are bringers of peace and guardians of truth” ~ Omnec Onec