It's time for contact!
June 21 - 23, 2024 | City Hall Memmingen
Extraterrestrial and Ultradimensional Contacts, Current State of Affairs, Technology and Science, Significance of Personal Disclosures and Revelations, Spiritual implications of the UFO phenomenon
There was so much to unveil and to discover!
We offer you up-to-date overviews, deep backgrounds into the history of contacts with extraterrestrials, presented by first-class experts, new perspectives, intensive, best-researched information and interesting presentations – all this wrapped in spaces to breathe, infused with musical and visual pralines and, above all, omnipresent good energy.
Our conference philosophy is: Let’s agree to disagree!
Watch the recordings of the UFO Conference June 21-23, 2024
| 63.00 €79.00 € |
Check the gallery for impressions from the conference.
Enthusiastic Feedback from Visitors
We are pleased to send you a short summary of last weekend’s 3-day UFO Congress:
💫 A special highlight was the presentation by Frank Jacob, who reported on Project Looking Glass and the different timelines.
Together with Tonia Madenford, he has produced the new film “The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac”. Tonia also showed parts of the film – we found the original photos of various non-human species that she shared with us particularly exciting. ✨The stories of Omnec Onec – a Venusian woman who came to Earth as a child to spread her message, also about the new age, and to support humans – were also very exciting.🌠 Dr Raymond Keller is also a Venus ambassador, he had the honor of spending six weeks on Venus in 2012.🌟Peter Denk shared pictures from Mars, among other things.
⭐️ Reiner Feistle reported on his abductions by positive aliens from the Aldebaran star system.
By: Raus aus der Matrix
Dear Anja
Thanks again for your link to watch the recordings of the UFO Conference.
It was very interesting, and it seems to have been a complete success with all the people, topics and speakers.
I watched the individual presentations, sometimes not all of them, but a large part of them.
Omnec amazed me with how well she delivered her talk, and she also looked much better, and somehow younger, than in the 1st video with the three of you and Rob Potter together.
Her topics were very inspiring, and it also made me realize again how dependent we are on technology, cell phones, computers, etc….
I would also be interested in this movie by Tonia, maybe you can see or buy it here.
Frank was also good and he seems very intelligent, one part of his talk was a bit borderline for me, but anyway, the point is to keep recognizing that there are different ways of thinking and that we can accept every single person on their own path. Everyone has their own truth, and that’s what makes our lives so interesting. We don’t have to accept everything about each other, but we still have to respect each other.
You got through this first conference well, and it was certainly stressful and challenging at times, but you managed it really well.
All my love
Anja Schäfer, I am so grateful to you for this mega mega brilliant event. This weekend was absolutely amazing and the talks were all top notch…, but hello….Anja! I hope there will be another conference next year.
2.7.24 via Reiners telegram channel
Hello Reiner Feistle,
I followed the entire congress online and in the recording and was really very impressed!
The presentations were very inspiring, informative and, to my mind, authentic and absolutely eye-opening.
Being able to experience Omnec Onec live was a fantastic experience.
Now all that remains is for day X to be heralded in the near future. But I’m pretty optimistic about that!
Greetings, E
Bravo, well done. The congress in Memmingen has come to an end and has hopefully been peaceful. I was there with good thoughts. Thank you for your courage, for your strength, for your commitment! Thanks also to the city of Memmingen and the many helpers in the background! All the best for the next few years of
transformation… I am very much looking forward to the time ahead.
Stephan S.
Experts discuss alleged extraterrestrial and ultradimensional contacts with human beings from around the world
Findings, research results, and experiences
Revelations and presence of UFOs/UAPs
Current State of Affairs
Revelations by NASA and other space agencies
Technology, science, free energy, UFO propulsion
Areas of application of extraterrestrial technology
Contacts with extraterrestrial and advanced intelligence
Significance of personal revelations and disclosures
Spiritual implications of the UFO phenomenon
Opportunities opened by the “UFO phenomenon” to advance humanity’s spirituality and human potential
With presentations by
Dr. Raymond Keller (USA)
Venus-Historian and Author of the Venus Rising Book Series
Frank Jacob
Filmmaker, Influencer,
Authority on Alternate Timelines
Omnec Onec (USA)
Venusian, Author of
“From Venus I Came”
Tonia Madenford (USA)
Hollywood Filmmaker,
ET Diplomat
The final program is in the works, you can find the approximate schedule here.