UFO Conference 2024
Speakers and Presentations
Dr. Raymond Keller (USA)
UFO/UAP Researcher, Venus-Historian, Author
Frank Jacob
Filmmaker, Influencer,
Authority on Alternate Timelines
Omnec Onec (USA)
Venusian, Author of
“From Venus I Came”
Tonia Madenford (USA)
Hollywood Filmmaker,
ET Diplomat

Friends from space
… Let yourself be surprised!

Real UAP/UFO Disclosures
Presentation by Dr. Raymond Keller with German translation by Frank Jacob
- That taking place on sundry levels of government in many nations;
- The so-called “soft disclosure” emanating from Hollywood, gradually preparing the public-at-large for the arrival of visitors from beyond Earth; and
- That originating from the UAP/UFO experiencers themselves since the dawn of the atomic and space ages. In a powerpoint format, this presentation will be followed by an open question and answer session.
The Ultimate UFO/UAP Disclosure Conference by Dr. Raymond Keller
Info: The idea for this UFO conference and the title arose in a conversation between Dr. Raymond Keller and Anja Schäfer.
United States Government: The Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, also known as the UAP Report or the Pentagon UFO Report, is a United States federally mandated assessment, prepared and published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on 25 June 2021. It states that the official United States Government UAP Task Force (UAPTF) focused on 144 observations of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) by the U.S Armed Forces, mostly from U.S. Navy personnel, from 2004 to 2021; and that the UAPTF investigators were unable to identify causes of the observations found in 143 reports.
On 26 July 2023, former intelligence officer and UAPTF investigator David Grusch, who led analysis of UAP in that organization, alleged that the United States has craft of non-human origin and that information on these vehicles is being illegally withheld from Congress. After Grusch was forced out of his long-held government post in the Defense Department, Other whistleblowers have come forward to substantiate his claims. There is now a firestorm raging in Congress for the Department of Defense to release a more substantial UAP disclosure to the American people amid a swell of credible sightings and reports in recent years that has revived attention in extraterrestrial ships, and potentially visits by sentient beings from other planets.
The Ultimate UFO/UAP Disclosure Conference will examine the sundry types of disclosure that have been declared from those in the know, those personnel accessing compartmentalized information on UAP in the United States and other world governments since the late 1940s to the present time and will yet come forth in the immediate future. Special attention will be focused on the history of the UFO/UAP disclosure movement in Germany.
Bio Dr. Raymond Keller „Cosmic Ray“
Venus-Historiker und Autor aus den USA
Dr. Raymond Andrew Keller aka „Cosmic Ray“ ist Historiker der Venusier, Kontaktler, UFO-Forscher, Autor und Doktor der Geschichte im Ruhestand. Seit 1967 beschäftigt er sich mit aktiver UFO-Forschung. Ray hat zahlreiche Exkursionen zu UFO-Hotspots auf der ganzen Welt unternommen und bei vielen Gelegenheiten direkt mit Außerirdischen kommuniziert.
10 Wochen auf der Venus
Im Jahr 2012 wurde Ray die Gelegenheit gegeben, physisch mit einem Raumschiff auf die Venus zu reisen, wo er 10 Wochen verbrachte. Er erzählt über diese unglaublich erscheinende Erfahrung in seinen Büchern „Aufsteigende Venus“ und „Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure“ (bisher nur auf Englisch). Ray plant, in seinem zehnten Buch, seiner Autobiographie, ausführlich über dieses Erlebnis zu berichten.
Zahlreiche Artikel und bis heute sieben Bücher über die Venus und ihre Verbindung zur Erde gehören zu seinen Veröffentlichungen. Rays VENUS RISING Buchreihe erforscht zahlreiche Facetten der Venus. Umfassend dokumentiert und basierend auf persönlicher Forschung und jahrelanger Erfahrung enthüllen Rays Bücher komplexe Zusammenhänge aus den Perspektiven von Geschichte, Mythologie, Theosophie, Weltraumforschung, Astronomie, Physik, Ufologie, Kontaktpersonen, Venusiern, Spiritualität und aktuellen Ereignissen.
Ray lebt in Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
One-on-One-Sessions with Dr. Raymond Keller
Dr. Raymond Keller is offering private one-on-one sessions with him at his booth in the lobby during the 2024 UFO Conference.
- Learn about your cosmic origin
- Share your UFO experiences
- Discuss with Ray what is bothering you
- Get advice from the inner source
- Also contact with your loved ones beyond the veil or information from your soul possible
UFO conference special price: 20 Euros (15-20 minutes approx.)
Appointments for One-on-One-Sessions at other days during Dr. Raymond Keller’s stay in Germany are possible. Please contact us if you want to book a session. Regular price for 30 minutes (approx.): 50 Euros

Venusians on Earth and their Benefits for Humanity
Talk by Omnec Onec with German translation by Anja Schäfer
- Conspiracies of the Government,
- Cover Up, More Revelations to come
- How the Venusians benefit the inner societies on Earth, Benefits for humanity
- Preparing people for the future and open connections
In 1955, as a seven year old girl, she was brought to earth by a UFO, which in her view is not an “unidentified flying object” but an interplanetary transport or “spaceship”.
At the UFO conference, Omnec, who is back in Germany for the first time in eight years, will talk about her decades of experience as an “alien” among us Earthlings and offer eye-opening perspectives. In her book, which she wrote back in the sixties, she describes in detail how Venusians long ago walked a path similar to the one that lies before humans on Earth today.
While Omnec’s mission was and is more spiritual than scientific, technological or political, don’t hesitate to ask her any questions you’ve always had or that are on your mind in the question-and-answer session. Be surprised by the intelligence and wisdom of a woman who has been living on Earth for decades with expanded consciousness that many of us are just waking up to.
Especially in combination with Dr. Raymond Keller, who has a great political, ufological, astronomical and scientific knowledge, valuable information and answers will be given.
Bio Omnec Onec
Author of the international bestseller and unique autobiography of an extraterrestrial “From Venus I Came”
Omnec Onec’s autobiography was first published in 1991 by former U.S. Colonel and UFO researcher Wendelle C. Stevens. Often ridiculed and not taken seriously in the first decades after her public outing, Omnec always remained true to herself and showed her authenticity not only by her enormous wealth of knowledge, which is not learned but comes from within her, but also by her continuity and stability. She never changed her story or ever fell into hesitation or uncertainty. However, even more important for those who met or know Omnec a little closer, she has a charisma and energy that is simply outstanding and extraordinary due to her ability to be and to share unconditional love.
In the nineties, Omnec Onec became known in the German-speaking world through the German publication of her book – followed by TV appearances, articles in magazines in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, lectures and workshops.
In her autobiography, the Woman from Venus describes life on the astral plane of Venus and describes how she was born there and why she was given the opportunity as a child to lower her frequency, manifest a physical body and come to Earth in the body of a seven-year-old girl in order – among others – to work as a spiritual teacher as an adult and complete her life cycles here.
The astral plane is a subtle dimension that cannot be seen or proven with physical means the way traditional earth scientists know of. According to Omnec, on Venus, as well as on many other planets, physical life existed very similar to what we know on Earth today. Through natural evolutionary cycles, the conditions of life changed and thanks to the spiritual development of these older planets’ inhabitants, life was able to continue to exist, but no longer in the physical, but in finer vibrational levels or higher frequencies.
The spiritual name “Omnec Onec” means “Spiritual Rebound”. It is Omnec’s task and talent to reconnect people with their true self, the Soul.

JRODs and the Timeline War
Presentation by Frank Jacob
More than 10 years ago, whistleblowers first told of a “Project Looking Glass”. This gave the elites glimpses into the future. Last year, the “Guardians of the Looking Glass” suddenly emerged with new information about this mysterious technology. Frank took up the topic and sparked a worldwide discussion about timelines. Is the origin of Looking Glass technology extraterrestrial? What is a timeline? What timeline will it be in the future and how do we shape our reality?
Global elites are striving to enter a new, ‘digital’ age as immortal ‘gods’. Biological humans are to be wiped out by artificial intelligence and transhumanism. In this in-depth, gripping lecture, Frank Jacob explains the background to this timeline war, which has been underway for some time. The fate of humanity is in our own hands as we create our future together.
Bio Frank Jacob
Frank Jacob is an international filmmaker, public speaker, popular talk-show guest, visual artist, musician and influencer. Having teamed up with US motion picture production company, ‘Screen Addiction’, his recent works explore the frontiers of consciousness-raising subjects in diverse presentations and through award-winning films such as ‘Solar (R)evolution’, ‘The Klaus Dona Chronicles’, and ‘Packing For Mars’. Frank co-directed and co-produced the series ‘Timeless’, a first-of-its-kind German format exploring the world of the paranormal for US Online Network GAIA.
In March 2022, Frank broke an article about a mysterious group called the ‘Guardians of the Looking Glass’, who claimed to be a breakaway faction of the controversial ‘Project Looking Glass’, having re-surfaced to help humanity avert upcoming disasters. This time-peering technology makes it possible to see into probable timelines, future outcomes and more, and is being used by rogue elements in government, as well as the Elite, to bring about a technocratic dictatorship. The story exploded onto internet, reaching millions. Frank followed up with ‘A Tale of Two Timelines’, a webinar that dives deep into the history and main protagonists of that story. Through his unique approach and diverse field of research, supported by an international network of exclusive scientists and fellow researches, Frank was able to piece together divergent aspects of reality, that connects science, consciousness, ETs, CERN, A.I., time-travel, inter-dimensional messages, the meaning of timelines, and an upcoming Cosmic Event with the power to propel mankind into a quantum evolutionary leap, long predicted by indigenous peoples around the world.
Other highlights have included a first-of-its-kind ‘LOOP Live Cinema’, where dual drummers and musical stage performances were orchestrated in tandem with dynamic visual sequences projected on the walls of the venue. He was then invited to create and perform a unique live VJ spectacle in collaboration with a 65-piece symphony orchestra in Salzburg, the birth town of Mozart, followed by a first ever VJ performance at Carnegie Hall.
During his years as a senior editor at the Red Bull Media House, Frank also began writing, directing and producing extreme sports films. He was director, producer, supervising editor and prime contributor of the hit Red Bull TV show, ‘Ultimate Rush’.
As a presenter, Frank’s multimedia presentations take his audiences deep down the rabbit hole into hidden history, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, secret technology, human evolution, timelines and parallel worlds.
⇨ Website https://frankjacob.com
⇨ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@Frank_Jacob
“The pineal gland is the organ we activate to awaken.” ~ Frank Jacob
Is the Pineal Gland a gateway to higher dimensions and modalities of consciousness? Since the 1950’s this mysterious organ has been at the center of top secret, classified studies in human consciousness. In this 3-part, deep dive into your ‘Inner Looking Glass’, you’ll learn cutting edge intel about why this mysterious gland is the key to your awakening.
Frank Jacob’s webinar “THE INNER LOOKING GLASS” is an encyclopedia of enlightening knowledge! Highly recommended for all who want to dive deep into connecting dots of wisdom and knowledge for understanding the path of awakening and the importance of our Pineal Gland in connection with 5D consciousness. An amazing piece of art with music, sounds, animations, videos and easy to listen to. Gift yourself with this artwork which contains birth right knowledge of all human beings and the keys for ascension. ~ Anja Schäfer
Link to the Webinar: https://www.cyberhive.tv/the-inner-looking-glass
Explore the history of Project Looking Glass: the technology, its origins, related technologies, its main protagonists, the extraterrestrial element, the breakaway civilization, potential earth shattering future events, and their incredible implications for all humanity in this 3-part, deep dive webinar brought to you by Frank Jacob, writer/director of the award-winning film PACKING FOR MARS.
Link to the Webinar: https://www.cyberhive.tv/tale-of-two-timelines

Cinematic Ride Through The Cosmos
Presentation by Tonia Madenford with German translation by Anja Schäfer
Buckle up and hold onto your hats as we enter a world of stargates, inter-dimensional portals, advanced human-extraterrestrial interaction, and multiple sentient beings expressing themselves in our physical existence. Tonia Madenford, a founding member of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance, will boldly guide us through these new realities, presenting the latest revelations from international contactees, deeply immersed in the ongoing program of disclosure and human evolutionary changes in consciousness. See real photos of ETs, hear audio recordings of their voices, view exclusive footage never-seen-before, and discover the message that was brought to Earth by Commander Valiant Thor, the ambassador known as the ‘Stranger at the Pentagon’, who came with a mission to offer a divine proposal to humanity.
Tonia Madenford, who produced the award-winning short film ‘Stranger At The Pentagon’ is back from the USA in a rare German stage appearance to announce her latest feature documentary ‘The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac’. This brand new film, based on the best-selling MUFON book, premieres June 2024 at the world’s largest UFO conference, Contact In The Desert.
Tonia describes what it means to be an ET Diplomat and will take you on a unique journey that delves into her own early contact experiences, as well as some more recent adventures in the deserts of the Old South West.
Bio Tonia Madenford
Tonia Madenford is a producer, director, and founder of the Motion Picture Production company, Screen Addiction. She has over 400 credits to her name and has collaborated with top celebrities on major Hollywood studio pictures, independent feature films, and network television. Her numerous awards, both national and international, include 4 Telly Awards, 2 EBE Awards, the prestigious Remi Award, and most notably the ‘Best Consciousness Film of the Year’ Award for her directorial debut on the paradigm shifting 2012 movie, Solar [R]evolution.
Tonia’s other milestones include the iconic UAP/ ET film releases: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied, Moon Rising, Celestial, Packing For Mars, The Klaus Dona Chronicles, and Stranger At The Pentagon. She co-directed and co-produced 2 seasons, 25+ episodes of the first-ever German Gaia TV series Timeless, based on the subject of paranormal phenomena with show host Johann Nepomuk Maier, as well as the renowned series SHIFT! with German biophysicist and best-selling author Dieter Broers. She is proud to announce her latest feature documentary, The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac, a pioneering endeavor that presents an array of extraterrestrial races, their agendas, messages to humanity, and real-life photographs of ET beings.
Tonia is also a world adventurer, who has conducted research expeditions stretching from the great pyramids of Egypt and Bosnia to the megalithic structures of Baalbeck and Peru, exploring the Paleo-SETI hypothesis, portals, and stargates. The discoveries from these findings comprise the backbone of her endeavors, carrying the underlying message of humankind’s true origins and its connection to the stars. Known for having the gift of telekinetic and psi abilities, her ongoing contact experiences have been featured in UFO Magazine, The Art of Close Encounters, Close Encounters of the ADHD Kind, and The Inner Looking Glass. As an ET Diplomat and award-winning Exopolitical filmmaker, she is a founding member of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance.
Website: https://www.screenaddiction.com/

The Presence
Presentation by Johann Nepomuk Maier IN GERMAN
Während sich die Mainstream-Forscher noch Gedanken machen, was wohl passiert, wenn wir zum ersten Mal Kontakt zu einer anderen intelligenten Lebensform im All haben, erleben abertausende von Menschen weltweit bereits das schier Unmögliche: Sie kommunizieren mit Wesen aus anderen Welten, anderen Dimensionen und anderen Sphären!
- Neueste Erkenntnisse aus der laufenden Ufo-Disclosure (Enthüllung).
- Neueste Erkenntnisse zur Grundlage dieses und weiteren Phänomene der erweiterten Realität
- Was ist der Stand bzw. die Fakten zu den unbekannten Flugobjekten?
- Ergebnisse der FREE-Studie der Edgar-Mitchell-Foundation. Die erste wissenschaftliche Studie die weltweit in 100 Ländern durchgeführt wurde
- Was berichten Forscher zum Thema Entführung, Züchtungsprogramm und Hybridisierung?
- Regressions-Informationen
- Berichte von Kontaktlern
- Wie kommt es zu den Kontakten?
- Wer hat oder hatte diese Kontakte?
- Wie werden diese Kontakte hergestellt?
- Was ist die CE 5-Methode?
- Wozu diesen diese Kontakte?
- Mit welchen Wesen und Intelligenzen haben wir es zu tun?
- Aufnahmen und Videos von diesen fremden Wesen
Diese Kontakte liegen weit außerhalb unseres gängigen Realitätsverständnisses – jenseits unserer bisherigen Logik. Viele Experten, Psychologen, Astrophysiker und Genetiker untersuchen diese Menschen, die behaupten, entführt worden zu sein – und ihre Ergebnisse sind eindeutig und unzweifelhaft:
Die Menschheit befindet sich gerade in einem seiner wichtigsten evolutionären Schritte überhaupt – in der Entwicklung zu einer neuen Spezies.
Dieser Vortrag offenbart eindrucksvolle Fakten und Hinweise darauf, welche das bisherige darwinistische Weltbild unserer Geschichte in Frage stellt. Dieser Vortrag enthüllt das Unglaubliche, das größte Geheimnis der Menschheit!
Bio Johann Nepomuk Maier
Johann Nepomuk Maier grew up in Lower Bavaria and still lives there today. Here, the four seasons still distinctively shape the rhythm of life and the “most multifaceted” dialect in the world encodes a creative way of thinking that also sharpens the senses for what lies invisibly “in between”.
After his apprenticeship as a typesetter, a degree in business administration and several years as managing director of various marketing agencies, he became self-employed in the 1990s and ran a marketing agency with a focus on consulting for “strategic communication”.
Johann Nepomuk Maier worked for more than 20 years as an agency owner and marketing consultant for medium-sized companies.
His goal is to bring previously hidden and new possibilities of life design to the light of day and to make the fantastic insights gained from these frontier areas accessible to a wider audience.
Johann Nepomuk Maier shows that what we in the western hemisphere consider to be certain in our materialistic world view is only a small excerpt of a much larger reality with unknown regularities. That which is considered impossible or miraculous actually happens again and again.
Since his earliest youth Johann Nepomuk was concerned with the findings of modern science. In the constant exchange with hundreds of researchers, but also sensitively gifted people, the limit of what is known so far is extended more and more.
Due to recurring paranormal experiences, he decided about 10 years ago to dedicate himself exclusively to the research of borderline scientific topics. In doing so, he drags the many physical, pathological and psychological anomalies occurring worldwide into the light of Öffentlichkeit. His research takes him around the world to meet renowned scientists and experts in diverse fields. Johann Nepomuk Maier is a networker, communicator and bridge builder between science, spirituality and the öffentlich discourse.
He has published nine books so far, written hundreds of articles and made 30 documentaries on phenomena “beyond the tangible” – on the thematic field of augmented reality.
Johann Nepomuk Maier’s work shows that we are on the verge of a paradigm shift and can slowly recognize that our consciousness is immortal and part of a holistic universe. In these infinite levels of reality and dimension exist countless non-human life forms and as yet unknown intelligent entities.
The documentary “Illusion Death” became a Spiegel bestseller and Johann’s Gaia broadcasts, Timeless Talks, interviews and his other broadcasts on www.nepomuk.tv attract a lot of attention.
With his seminars and lectures he provides a great overview of this new knowledge.
In his talks Johann clarifies why the materialistic worldview has been so successful and what will change massively in the next decades. He shows what really codes the world and what distinguishes reality from actuality. Furthermore, Johann Nepomuk Maier shows what being means and which cosmic laws are at work.
Johann Nepomuk is networked worldwide with many researchers from different fields, who work mainly in the frontier areas of science and thus embody the new pioneers of the new age.
Especially the new spiritual tools of consciousness will have more possibilities of action in the future than before. These insights and practices form a powerful tool to positively transform society and thus the entire civilization. Our current civilization will change faster in the coming years than ever before in the history of mankind.
His documented cases completely turn the materialistic worldview on its head. This is also one of the reasons why mainstream science still resists these facts so extremely.
Many of these testified psychological, pathological and physical anomalies point to a holistic world view, which is populated by further intelligences – with or without body – (we know him).
His research is far from being finished and in the coming years, Johann Nepomuk Maier will document countless more of these “impossible realities” in words and pictures.
We live in an unbelievably complex, creative intelligence system, where consciousness – whatever that is exactly – forms the basis of all being and we will be able to enter into a more extensive dialogue with other entities in the future.
Links (German)
⇨ https://www.nepomuk-maier.de
⇨ https://www.deineWendezeit.de
⇨ WurzlHeimat-Shows: https://www.wurzlHeimat.de
⇨ Spiritual consultation hour on QS24TV: https://qs24.tv/
⇨ YouTube-Channel: www.nepomuk.tv
⇨ Timeless-Shows: https://www.gaia.com/de/lp/timeless
⇨ Johann Nepomuk Maier and the Venus: YouTube Playlist with Interviews

Entering New Dimensions
Presentation by Reiner Elmar Feistle IN GERMAN
Der Vortrag behandelt folgende Themen:
Teil 1: Meine persönlichen Erfahrungen
- Gibt es Außerirdische?
- Meine Erlebnisse mit den Außerirdischen
- Begegnungen mit MIB
- Traten diese mit Menschen in Kontakt?
- Welche Beweise gibt es und welche Folgen haben diese Kontakte?
- Wie erkenne ich ob ich ein Kontaktler bin?
Teil 2: Eine Reise in unsere Vergangenheit
- Wo wurde der Grundstein zum Unternehmen Aldebaran gelegt?
- Die Vrilgesellschaft
- Der Vril-Gedanke
- Die Jenseitsflugmaschinen
- Hinweise aus Filmen zum Thema Aldebaran
- Wo sind unsere Ahnen zu finden?
Teil 3: Ausblick in die Zukunft
- Wo geht die Reise noch hin?
- Meine Vision von Mutter Gaya
- Hopi-Indianerhäuptling White Eagle
- Die Weichen sind gestellt
- Der Geburtsprozess der Neuen Erde
Bio Reiner Elmar Feistle
Reiner Elmar Feistle was born on 11.6.1961 in Wangen im Allgäu, is married and has 4 children. Since his childhood he has already been interested in space and everything connected with it, but his life experienced a dramatic turn in this respect only at a much later time – by experiences of the third kind.
The events about the Feistle family with extraterrestrials and the paranormal were first published in their book “The Immensity of Being” in 1996 by the ARGO publishing house and a year later in a much more detailed form in cooperation with Jan van Helsing in “Unternehmen Aldebaran.”
Based on these publications Reiner Elmar Feistle held lectures and seminars in the 90s. Especially through appearances on television, there was a lively influx of interested people who had themselves been affected by similar events, to whom he offered advice and support.
In September 2010, his path led him to self-employment and he founded his own all-star publishing house, through which he published four more Aldebaran books. As a publisher, he has since supported the publication of information whose dissemination is close to his heart.
In the fall of 2018, the time had come for Reiner to break new ground and he was led onto the path of shamanic trance journeying and soul journeying. Through this work, it is now possible for him to work with people on a different level in individual sessions to dissolve extraneous energies, blockages and occupations and to lead them into processes of realization about their own soul origins.
Reiner organizes very popular and well-attended congresses to provide a platform for people to explore the frontier science and spiritual topics and to meet like-minded people.
⇨ Website https://www.all-stern-shop.com

The Mars Mystery and Further Revelations
Presentation by Peter Denk IN GERMAN
Das Mars-Geheimnis und weitere Enthüllungen
This presentation will first show almost unbelievable images from NASA’s Mars probe Curiosity and other probes, which leave no doubt that there must have been an intelligent and technically advanced civilization on Mars. Ultimately, however, there is now overwhelming evidence that humanity is much further along in the field of space travel than is officially known. The technologies behind it are even relatively clear. A number of insiders, including even very well-known ones, testify that much of what we can see in science fiction movies today is already reality.
Bio Peter Denk
Peter Denk worked as a graduate engineer for over 20 years in the IT industry in well-known companies. Thanks to his solid scientific education, he is used to conducting unbiased analyses and collecting data in order to gain an understanding of new processes. Since he basically approaches facts as neutrally as possible, he noticed early on that certain topics are completely hidden or even misrepresented in the mass media. The reading of many books, own research and also experiences as well as contacts to extraordinary sources brought him understanding for a number of connections in politics, economy, financial system and spiritual insights, which led to his author activity. In 2008 he published his first book, and since 2009 he has been writing on several of his own websites on the Internet on the topics of crisis prevention, time forecasts and current time issues. He publishes a free and a paid newsletter, the free newsletter now has over 6,000 subscribers.
In 2015, he published his media-critical book “Lügenpresse” (“Lying Press”) with the J-K Fischer publishing house, because the mass media in Germany and most Western countries report in a strikingly similar and extremely tendentious manner on certain topics. Therefore, he searched for the reasons for this and found a number of astonishing correlations that explain this and shed a questionable light on democracy and the rule of law. In 2018, he followed up with his book “The Martian Mystery,” which addresses inconsistencies in space exploration.
Website: https://krisenrat.info

Anja Schäfer
Conference Organizer, Facilitator of Venusians
Book: VENUS AND I – My Journey of Coming to Remembrance of my Soul Mission – 25 years with Omnec Onec
YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@venus-spirit
Changes and mistakes are reserved.