From Venus with Love Conference 2024
SpeakersLook forward to

Lecture Omnec Onec
In 1955, as a seven-year-old girl, she was brought to Earth by a UFO, which in her view is not an “unidentified flying object” but an interplanetary transport craft or “spaceship.”
At this From Venus with Love Conference, Omnec, who is back in Germany for the first time in eight years, will speak from the heart and share unconditional love, highest wisdom and simply beautiful presence of a highly evolved soul.
In her book, which she wrote back in the sixties, she describes in detail how Venusians long ago walked a path similar to the one that lies before humans on Earth today.
Don’t hesitate to ask Omnec any questions you’ve always had or that are on your mind in the question-and-answer session. Be surprised by the intelligence and wisdom of a woman who has been living on Earth for decades with expanded consciousness that many of us are just waking up to.
About Omnec Onec
Venusian, Author of the Autobiography “From Venus I Came” ♡ Messenger from Venus
Omnec Onec was born on the astral level of the planet Venus and came to Earth with her own physical body in 1955. In the Ninetees, she became publicly known with her autobiography FROM VENUS I CAME (today part 1 of THE VENUSIAN TRILOGY). In this book, she portrays life on the astral level of Venus and describes why and how she was born there and why as a child she was given the opportunity to lower her vibrations, to manifest a physical body and to come to Earth at the age of seven in order to later in her life work as a spiritual teacher and fulfill her life cycles here on Earth.
“As I was born on the planet Venus in another dimension and came to your planet as a young child, I was able to retain the knowledge and information that I had gathered as a soul through many incarnations and life times. I can keep this information intact, and what I teach people is actually what I KNOW and not what I’ve read about or what I’ve heard, but what I have experienced through many different life cycles on Earth and in other dimensions.”
Omnec Onec
The astral plane is a dimension of lower density that cannot be seen or proven with physical means. According to Omnec, long time ago Venus and many other planets supported physical life very similar to the earth today. By natural evolutionary cycles to changing living conditions and thanks to the spiritual development of the people, life could continue to exist on these planets in finer levels of vibration, but no longer in the physical.

Lectures by Dr. Raymond Keller
Dr. Raymond Keller will talk about his personal Venus experiences and about the message of his new book “The Gospels of Thomas and Mary Magdalene” – a gift received with supernatural powers from the Spiritual Hierarchy of Light.
- Christ Consciousness and the return of the lost knowledge
- Jesus, Thomas and Mary Magdalene
- Unconditional Love
- More infos coming soon!
About Dr. Raymond Keller „Cosmic Ray“
Venusian historian and author from the USA
Dr. Raymond Andrew Keller aka “Cosmic Ray” is a Venusian historian, contactee, UFO researcher, author and retired Doctor of History. He has been involved in active UFO research since 1967. Ray has made numerous field trips to UFO hotspots around the world and has communicated directly with extraterrestrials on many occasions.
10 weeks on Venus
In 2012, Ray was given the opportunity to physically travel by spacecraft to Venus, where he spent 10 weeks. He recounts this seemingly incredible experience in his books, “Ascending Venus” and “Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure” (so far in English only). Ray plans to write about this experience in detail in his tenth book, his autobiography.
Numerous articles and, to date, seven books on Venus and its connection to Earth are among his publications. Ray’s VENUS RISING book series explores numerous facets of Venus. Extensively documented and based on personal research and years of experience, Ray’s books reveal complex relationships from the perspectives of history, mythology, theosophy, space exploration, astronomy, physics, ufology, contactees, Venusians, spirituality, and current events.
Ray lives in Morgantown, West Virginia, USA.
One-on-One-Sessions with Dr. Raymond Keller
Dr. Raymond Keller is offering private one-on-one sessions with him at his booth in the lobby during the 2024 UFO Conference.
- Learn about your cosmic origin
- Share your UFO experiences
- Discuss with Ray what is bothering you
- Get advice from the inner source
- Also contact with your loved ones beyond the veil or information from your soul possible
UFO conference special price: 20 Euros (15-20 minutes approx.)
Appointments for One-on-One-Sessions at other days during Dr. Raymond Keller’s stay in Germany are possible. Please contact us if you want to book a session. Regular price for 30 minutes (approx.): 50 Euros
Venus Spirit YouTube Playlist Dr. Raymond Keller

Lecture and Workshop with Pradnya Pandit
(Depending on all the participant’s language skills, the Workshop could also be held in English without German translation.)
In this whole timeline where there is this mass awakening and ascension happening, the divine upgrade is happening in all aspects of life. We as awakened human beings are upgrading most templates the way we live, including the templates of love and relationships. Humanity will slowly move or is already moving towards karmaless life, releasing duality based consciousness, releasing karma and releasing all the denser consciousness templates.
This divine upgrade is also happening in the template of love and relationships. Human beings are moving towards unconditional love learning to operate from the heart. This is not about give and take, duties or responsibilities, it’s about love and freedom of choice. Twinflames are slowly breaking away from the denser templates of love relationships and paving the way forward towards this divine upgrade of karmafree, freedom and love based relationships.
In this lecture and in the following workshop we take you through the core aspects of this shift.
About Pradnya Pandit
Pradnya Pandit is an Artist, Writer, and Mentor who shares her personal experience and learning about Spiritual Awakening, Twin Flames, Ascension and Spiritual Relationships. Her mission is to provide guidance and support to those who are on their journey of spiritual transformation and assist them in shifting to higher consciousness.
Pradnyaa started writing about her experiences about spirituality and awakening on Quora in 2016 and shortly was recognized as ‘Quora Top Writer’ and the ‘Most Viewed Writer’ in topics – Twin Flames and Spirituality, and currently has crossed over 70 million+ content views. She started her YouTube channel in 2020 and has been very keen on providing guidance to thousands of people around the world who are going through a spiritual awakening experience, through her profound insights.
Pradnya lives in Dubai. It’s her first visit to Germany to participate at the From Venus with Love Conference.
Website ⇨
YouTube Channel ⇨
Highly recommended – Pradnya’s book My Secret Diaries: Contemplations on Love & Life with my Twin Flame | Journal 1994-1999
Venus Spirit YouTube Playlist Awaken with Pradnyaa
Spiritual Retreat Twin Flames Integrated - April 20-24, 2024
Let’s step up and come to the Zero Point!
Pradnya Pandit and Anja Schäfer
Who should attend this retreat?
1: Are you going through TF experience, spiritual awakening and want to explore while you feel confused and directionless?
2: Are you trying to figure out how to do inner work and struggling to release trauma, pain and the past?
3: Are you having unanswered questions about your twin flame, the journey, union, mission and life purpose?
4: Are you interested in deep mystical insights, healing, spiritual teachings, experiencing oneness and stillness?
5: Do you have an urge to connect with other twin flames, and know more from them or share without being judged?
Your tribe is your home, it is priceless!
If the answer to any of the above is YES, then this retreat is for you!
Date: April 20 – 24, 2024
Location: Sharjah, UAE
Infos & Registration:

Iris and Guiseppe (Pippo) Merlino
Musical accompaniment of the whole conference plus Soulful Workshops and Yoga Classes (in German).
About Iris and Pippo Merlino
They have been a couple for 34 years and are on the spiritual path. Training in metaphysical topics, seven ray teachings, angels, masters, nature spirits, soul journeys to light places, meditations and much more.
Merlino stands for uplifting and relaxing music, which has found its expression in 19 CDs so far.
Iris is a spiritual artist and transmits messages from the spiritual world. Connects through guided meditations and also through singing with the light realms of the Otherworld.
Together they now also create wonderful sound experiences and meditations live.

Lecture Saskia Voigtländer
Description follows.
About Saskia Voigtländer
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Website ⇨

Lecture Reiner Elmar Feistle
IN GERMAN. Reiner will also give a New Earth Shamanic Workshop in the Castle Gardens.
Description follows.
About Reiner Elmar Feistle
Reiner Elmar Feistle was born on 11.6.1961 in Wangen im Allgäu, is married and has 4 children. Since his childhood he has already been interested in space and everything connected with it, but his life experienced a dramatic turn in this respect only at a much later time – by experiences of the third kind.
The events about the Feistle family with extraterrestrials and the paranormal were first published in their book “The Immensity of Being” in 1996 by the ARGO publishing house and a year later in a much more detailed form in cooperation with Jan van Helsing in “Unternehmen Aldebaran.”
Based on these publications Reiner Elmar Feistle held lectures and seminars in the 90s. Especially through appearances on television, there was a lively influx of interested people who had themselves been affected by similar events, to whom he offered advice and support.
In September 2010, his path led him to self-employment and he founded his own all-star publishing house, through which he published four more Aldebaran books. As a publisher, he has since supported the publication of information whose dissemination is close to his heart.
In the fall of 2018, the time had come for Reiner to break new ground and he was led onto the path of shamanic trance journeying and soul journeying. Through this work, it is now possible for him to work with people on a different level in individual sessions to dissolve extraneous energies, blockages and occupations and to lead them into processes of realization about their own soul origins.
Reiner organizes very popular and well-attended congresses to provide a platform for people to explore the frontier science and spiritual topics and to meet like-minded people.
⇨ Website

Uwe Breuer
IN GERMAN. Uwe will also give Ascension Workshops.
Descriptions follow.
About Uwe Breuer
Text follows.

Anja Schäfer – Conference Organizer, Venus Messenger & Venus Love Initiate
Anja Schäfer is a Venus Messenger or “Venus Postwoman”. In 1997, she encountered the worldwide known author of the autobiography “From Venus I Came” – Omnec Onec. The two soulfriends are united by their common mission to support the transformation of the Earth into a higher vibrational frequency. In 2021, Anja was connected with Venusian historian Dr. Raymond Keller, followed by an acceleration of her own awakening and Twin Flame Activation. Since then, Anja’s main mission has been intensified to share the Venusian teachings and insights related to her own experiences. Her main channels are currently books, videos, retreats and events.
Book: VENUS AND I – My Journey of Coming to Remembrance of my Soul Mission – 25 years with Omnec Onec
YouTube Channel: