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Venus Rising – Thank you, Ray!

Thank to our Venus Connection and to our friendship, Ray sent me his fifth book titled „Lady Columba Venus Revelations“ as a gift. Since I started to read it, I feel that new revelations and old memories are starting to ascend and to unfold.

An interview per Zoom with Dr. Raymond Keller is planned. When you subscribe to my YouTube Channel,  you will be informed of its upload automatically.

Ray might visit Germany in 2022 and we consider doing events together. If you are interested, you are welcome to let me know – please send an email to anja@lichtheilzentrum.de

“ I would be delighted to work with you on any projects that you feel can help generate more friends of Venus around the world and furthering the cosmic ambassador Omnec Onec’s important messages for the spiritual advancement of all humankind.

I firmly believe in all the good work you are doing.
I was hoping to visit Germany sometime in 2022, perhaps in the Spring. Perhaps we could do some events together.  I conduct a workshop where I help people find their E.Q., or „extraterrestrial quotient“ and answer their questions about our brothers and sisters of Abejar (Venus).
I remain, always your friend, – Cosmic Ray“ (July 2021)

Dr. Raymond Keller – „Cosmic Ray“

Lecturer – Author of „Venus Rising“, „Rockets to Venus“, „Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure“, „Lady Columba Venus Revelations“

How I came across Dr. Raymond Keller

Dr. Raymond KellerI was informed of Dr. Raymond Keller by two sources independently from each other: Robert Potter, organizer of the Mount Shasta Summer Conferences and Brad Markus, a friend who helped me proofreading my and Omnec Onec’s book „Simply Wisdom and Love – Venusian Spirituality“ (published in 2015 in English).

Both told me I should read Ray’s books and make myself familiar with his information, because he is a specialist on Venus information from different perspectives and a contactee as well. Since I do not read so many books anymore, I was not sure how deeply I would want to dive into his information and took my time before I started looking his information up. Eventually, my interest was captured and I even contacted Ray personally via his facebook page. I shortly introduced myself telling him that I was Anja, Omnec Onec’s friend and companion since the Ninetees and I included one of the first photos of Omnec and myself from 1998. Ray answered right away very friendly and told me that he met Omnec during Rob Potters Conference in 2018. He also sent me some more information about his books and Venus connection.

My next step was to watch some interviews with him and I learned how nice, kind, friendly, well-informed, humble and wise this man is. My interest was caught and I ordered two of his books „Venus Rising“ and „Rockets to Venus“. I was astounded about the amount of information that Ray had collected and how much time, effort and love he had put into the Venus subject from various perspectives. I also noticed that he mentions Omnec Onec as one of the real Venusians in his first book.

Now, my interest was really awake and I started diving deeper into more information from and about Ray that I was able to find on the internet (Links below). Since we are obviously somehow „colleages“ sharing information from and about Venus including the same message of love and brotherhood, I am including articles and videos for further research.

About Dr. Raymond Keller

The following paragraph about Ray Keller is copied from YouTube description „Zoom into Books“ channel, Video „The Venus Rising Series with Dr. Raymond Keller

Dr. Raymond Keller has been involved in active UFO research since 1967, when he was a reporter for the Bedford Times Register in his hometown of Bedford, Ohio, and a research associate with Earl J. Neff, the founder and director of the Cleveland Ufology Project (CUP). Keller established his own group in 1986, the Outer Space International Research and Investigations Society (OSIRIS) and was the publisher and co-editor with Ballarion Starr of that organization’s monthly organ, The New Millennial Star. Keller has conducted numerous excursions to UFO hot spots throughout the world and has communicated directly with extraterrestrials on many occasions. Venus Rising is his second book; the first being Emergence of the Afro-Zulians in the Transatlantic World, 1722-1811 (Lewiston, NY: Mellen Press, 2013). He now travels the world lecturing about Venus and his research on his books. He is a former university professor and served as an AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteer in Service to America), attached to In Touch and Concerned, a United Way agency in Monongalia County, West Virginia.

The following paragraph about Ray Keller is copied from Sci-Spi TV page 

Dr. Raymond A. Keller, II, a retired history professor who, as a contactee, researcher and lifelong experiencer, has written the Venus Rising trilogy. Venus Rising, Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus! and The Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure. Dr. Keller’s books explore various facets of conditions and life on Venus in many dimensions from a perspective of conspiracies, history, theosophy, ufology and current events, especially space research.

To date, the first book, Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet, has won wild card awards at both the Southern California and London, United Kingdom, book festivals. Dr. Keller has lived and worked in 44 different countries and has been writing about UFOs and paranormal activity since 1967. He was the founder and director of the Outer Space International Research and Investigations Society (OSIRIS) of Hilmar, California, as well as the publisher and co-editor of the New Millennial Star, a monthly pre-Internet tabloid newspaper with a circulation of 7,500 copies. He received his doctoral degree from West Virginia University in 2011, focusing on various aspects of the Basque settlement of Venezuela; and his master’s degree from the same institution in 2004, majoring in foreign language with an emphasis on magic realism in Latin American literature.



Articles and Videos

Datapages Jeff Rense: Ray Keller Collection of Articles and Audios

Article by Dr. Raymond Keller:  „Mysterious Malcom X on the Venusians among us

Article and video interview with Ray Keller, Rob Potter and Alfred Lambremont Webre from NewsInsideOut


Video Interview Ray Keller & Cathy from Zoom Into Books / Headline Books: The Venus Rising Series with Dr. Raymond Keller, December 18, 2020

Video Interview Ray Keller and Rob Potter: Raymond Kellers Astounding Revelations, May 2021


„Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet“ is a fascinating story by Dr. Raymond Keller from Xpnsion Network on Vimeo , ca. August 2020. (Das Video lässt sich wegen Datenschutzeinstellungen hier nicht einbetten.)


Venus Rising - Book 1

Rockets to Venus - Book 2

Excellent Venus Adventure - Book 3

Vast Venus Conspiracy - Book 4

Lady Columba Venus Revelations - Book 5

Flying Saucers and the Venus Legacy - Book 6

Aura Rhanes – Representative for the Venusians and Solar Hierarchies of Light


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