Soul Journey – Meditation „Eckankar Version“ – MP3 Download
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Guided meditation with various music compositions corresponding to the levels of consciousness
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Guided meditation with various music compositions corresponding to the levels of consciousness
Mantras and visualizations support the experience of the different dimensions from the physical through the astral, the causal, and the etheric dimension to the God planes. Contents of the Meditation-CD “Soul Journey Eckankar Version”
- Journey of Soul intro-passage (3.27 min.)
- We shall begin … : basic guidelines (2.42 min.)
- First dimension: the physical (6.19 min.)
- Second dimension: the astral (6.23 min)
- Third dimension: the causal (8.24 min.)
- Fourth dimension: the mental (7.03 min.)
- Fifth dimension: the etheric (9.41 min.)
- Sixth dimension: the Soul plane (9.26 min.)
- Seventh dimension: Anami Lok – the God planes (15.40 min.)
- Return sequence: Baraka Bashad (1.30 min.)
Note on the difference between this Soul Journey Eckankar Version from 2010 and the Soul Journey Original Version
This CD is the 2010 version of the original version spoken by Omnec in 1996. Compared to the Original Soul Journey CD, here are two little differences:
- Color of the causal dimension: Orange
- Color of the etheric dimension: Violet
On the Original Soul Journey CD from 1996, the color for the causal dimension is Purple or Violet and for the etheric Gold. The changes for the 2010 version had been made at the request of Omnec’s deceased publisher according to the Eckankar Chart.
Audio Samples CD "Soul Journey"
- Sample_SoulJourney_2_We-begin
- Sample_SoulJourney_5_Causal_guide
- Sample_SoulJourney_5_Causal_music
- Sample_SoulJourney_7_Etheric_guide
- Sample_SoulJourney_7_Etheric_music
Audio MP3 – Length: ca. 71 min.
Language: English Original spoken by Omnec Onec
This article is also available as physical CD.